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Mosquito Bites: Can lots of mosquitoes sucking our blood make us weak?

Mosquito Bites: Can lots of mosquitoes sucking our blood make us weak?

All mosquitoes don't suck blood!!

It may surprise people to learn that adult male and female mosquitoes feed on nectar as a food source, while larvae survive on plant and animal matter in water. It is only the female that will bite humans to obtain a blood meal, which she uses to produce eggs.

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Why do mosquitoes suck our blood?

Adult female mosquitoes bite hosts to get the protein they need to produce and lay eggs.Female mosquitoes have a mouthpart made to pierce skin and siphon off blood.

As a biting mosquito fills itself with blood, it injects saliva into your skin. Proteins in the saliva trigger a mild immune system reaction that results in the characteristic itching and bump.

Males lack this blood-sucking ability because they don't produce eggs and so have no need for protein in blood.

Male mosquito feeding on nectar

How much blood do we lose?

Female mosquito will suck about five millionths (or 0.000005) of a liter of blood in a single serving. It doesn’t take much at all to really fill a mosquito up, even if they can drink two to three times their body weight. Females do not rest for long though. The hunt for a new host begins once again after a female lays her eggs.

So, what can be considered is, a full course dining experience from a dozen of female mosquitoes is really not that much at all.


How many mosquitoes would it take to completely drain a human of all their blood?

The common amount of blood that an adult human can carry varies anywhere from 4.7 to 5.5 liters of blood in their body. This, however, is all based on variables like weight and age. Given that females drink so little, the number of mosquitoes it would hypothetically take to suck someone dry can go upwards of 1,000,000.Imagine 1 million mosquitoes biting us at the same time.It would only be possible if someone is either dead or is on a high dosage of opium.

Even when there is no reason to worry about loss of blood due to Mosquito Bites,but still the mosquitoes are among the greatest killers of mankind.

Found in every region on the planet except Antarctica, the irritating insects – particularly those from the genera aedes, anopheles and culex – are the primary vectors of diseases such as malaria, chikungunya, encephalitis, elephantiasis, yellow fever, dengue fever, West Nile virus and Zika, which collectively afflict an estimated 700 million people and kill roughly 725,000 per year.

So,it would be wise to keep mosquitoes away by keeping the surroundings clean and using proper mosquito repellent and mosquito killer and better use natural products(free of toxic chemicals).



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